Sunday, October 12, 2008

CCNA Podcast Promo Edition Release

Hi all,


CCNA Podcast – Certification Guide & Course is Launching Today on 13th October 2008 at 17:00 Hours PST. The subscription links and Email Notification Links are provided on the Left. Subscribe Today. The First Lesson would be released on 27th October 2008. Subscribe today in iTunes or on your favorite Feed Reader.

Mark Smith
CCIE # 2272


Beej Cyr said...

Dear Professor,
Maybe I am just a bit on the dense side, but I am not seeing a blog here (other than the three posts) much less a podcast. Did you change your mind about doing a podcast or am I just not seeing where the podcast is at?

Baelbouga said...
Has a lot more content

Unknown said...

thanks for sharing excellent post & blog.. keep it up..

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